Want to return an item? No problem! We’re happy to offer you an exchange, a refund, or something else – just let us know why you’re returning your item and which solution you’d prefer, and we’ll go from there.

Our policy

Faulty items

If your item is faulty, we’re happy to offer you an exchange or a refund within 30 days of purchase or delivery.

If more than 30 days have passed since purchase or delivery, we may be able to repair your faulty item, provided it is still within its guarantee period (normally 12 months from purchase).

Please bear in mind, we don’t offer exchanges, refunds, or repairs if your item is faulty due to accidental damage, neglect, misuse, or normal wear and tear.

Changed your mind?

If you purchased online, you can return your item within 30 days even if you have opened it for inspection. To obtain a full refund, it must be returned as new and in a resaleable condition. This means you must not use it, you should keep it in the original packaging and return it complete with all accessories.

Most online returns are accepted in stores as long as the item meets these conditions. Use our handy returns journey guide to help you find the quickest way to return your item.

If you purchased in store, you can return your item within 30 days in its unopened and sealed packaging along with proof of purchase (excludes connected products with airtime, such as a mobile phone, sim contract or broadband connection*).

*Returns policies for connected products differ by network. You can change or cancel your contract with ID within 14 days of purchase. 


  • Customized Items: Customized items cannot be returned or exchanged.
  • Digital Products: Digital products (e.g., game codes, downloadable content) cannot be returned or refunded once purchased.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or need to initiate a return, please contact us at:

  • Email: info@gamerflips.com
  • Phone: 210 343 5122

 Additional Notes

  • This policy is subject to change without notice.